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"Connect with us, together we can grow more"

Basic Information

How did you hear about our program? *

In what region do you want to represent Aurobees as a Channel Partner? *

First Name *

Last Name *

Business Email Address *

Individual / Business *

Designation *

Country Code & Phone Number

Country Code & Mobile Number *

Company Information

Company Name *

Location Address line 1 *

Location Address line 2

Location Address line 3

Pincode / Zipcode

Country code &

Phone Number *

What is your primary business domain focus? *

Primary Company Website or Social Media Page *

Provide a short description of your company and the value you provide to the market (Max 300 words). (Note that these details may be used on the Aurobees Partner and Application Locator) *

Company Financial Information 

What was the total sales and services revenue generated by your company in its last fiscal year (USD) *

What percentage of your revenue directly results from the following sales methods in the last fiscal year  (must be total 100%)

Face-to-Face / Field sales

Telephone Based Consultative Sales Resources

Via Internet with limited human 


Do you have a single primary vertical market? *

What is your company's primary vertical market focus *

Company Employee Information 

Please specify the number of employees by job category (If a person has multiple roles, count them in one category)

Total number of Employees

Total number of Sales Employees

Total number of Services and Technical Support Employees

Total number of Marketing Employees

Login Information

Username *

Create Password *

Confirm Password *

Password doesn't match.

Your username will be the same as the registered business email address 

Kindly fill all the mandatory information

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